The Process
As a paint supplier specializing in PROTECTIVE COATINGS and MULTI-PURPOSE INDUSTRIAL PAINTS in its region, PUVA will continue to protect our future and investments.
– Structural Steel
– Technological Structures
– Pipelines
– Tanks
Markets containing products and services of steel construction manufacturers are becoming more diversified every day and national borders are disappearing. As a natural result of this, the sector needs different types of painting and coating systems. PUVA has sufficient knowledge and product variety to meet the needs that may arise in this change process. The main sectors of the protective paint segment are as follows:

Puva Construction
The structural steel sector requires corrosion resistance in structural steels used in ports, airports, residential areas and bridges, and effective protection against corrosion is primarily possible by choosing the right paint system.
Resistance to exposure to atmospheric corrosion is important for the technological equipment sector, which includes steel structures such as energy investments, cement plants, petrochemical plants and mining facilities, as well as heat-resistant paints used in equipment exposed to high operating temperatures and surface tolerance paints used in repairs & renovations. maintenance works are also requested. As PUVA, it has the knowledge and product range to meet the demands of this sector.
With its wide range of products, PUVA supplies paint for internal and external coatings that can meet the needs of pipelines, designed in an atmospheric environment, used in new projects and maintenance works, buried in the ground or immersed in water.
Drinking water, Running water, waste water treatment plant lines, Power plant cooling water pipes, Petroleum and petrochemical product pipelines, Gas pipes, Port piling pipes, Concrete pipes.
Our coating systems have test reports and certificates issued by 3rd party organizations according to the areas of use and needs.
Tank coatings, as well as being highly corrosive resistant and resistant to the liquids stored in them, should not spoil the quality of the stored liquid. PUVA offers a wide range of products developed to meet the various needs and expectations of the tank farm. Our coating systems have test reports and certificates issued by 3rd party organizations according to the areas of use and needs.